Dame Rosemary Butler AM
 Presiding Officer


Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru / National Assembly for Wales


Y Pwyllgor Busnes / Business Committee


Etifeddiaeth y Pedwerydd Cynulliad / Fourth Assembly Legacy


Tystiolaeth gan Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol / Evidence from the Health and Social Care Committee

24 November 2015

Dear Presiding Officer,


Thank you for bringing the Business Committee’s work on its legacy report to the attention of the Health and Social Care Committee (‘the Committee’).


Unfortunately, due to the Committee’s current legislative workload, it has not been possible for Members to give detailed consideration to the questions on which you are consulting. Nevertheless, you may wish to be aware that the Committee conducted a consultation on its Fourth Assembly legacy between 30 July and 30 October 2015. The Committee received a total of 15 submissions which have been published on our website and which you may wish to consider as part of your work.


The Committee plans to undertake further work on its Fourth Assembly legacy during the Spring 2016 term. As part of this work, the Committee intends to consider the effectiveness of its legislative, policy and financial scrutiny, and the extent to which it has succeeded in striking a balance between these functions. It will also give consideration to the timetables within which it has been asked to work, including meeting slots and the timescales set for its scrutiny of legislation (including Bills, LCMs and subordinate legislation).


While I understand that this work will not be completed in time to inform your review, I will ensure that the Committee’s conclusions are shared with you when available. I hope this work will be a useful contribution to the consideration that the Fifth Assembly’s Business Committee will give to the future committee structure early in the next Assembly.


Yours sincerely,

David Rees AM

Chair, Health and Social Care Committee